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Library User's Guide: Borrow Items

image of id cardYou can borrow items from the library by using your college ID card.

image of bookLoan periods vary from 2 hours to 28 days. Most items can be renewed.

image of books lined upTextbooks and other course-related items are in the reserves section with a 2-hour check out period. 

image of an arrow in a circle representing renewalYou can renew your books in-person, by email or by phone.

image of finger with clock representing a holdExcessively late items may result in a library fine and hold on your student account.

If the library does not have access it an item, it can be requested from another library with Interlibrary Loan.

Keep track of your checkout with your Library Catalog Account. See the "How- To" document.


Patrons must present their student or employee badge to check out materials.
Items can be renewed (when applicable) via in-person or phone (or coming soon online library account)
There is no general limit to the number of materials that can be checked out.


General Collection and Professional Development Collection

  • Circulation Period: 28 days, 1 renewal

Reserve Items

  • Reserve items are items requested by faculty members to be “on reserve” instead of in the collection. This includes textbooks and other items to support the curriculum.
  • Circulation Period: varies by item, most common is 2 hours.
  • 2-hour reserve items circulate for in-building use only.
  • Reserve items with 24-hour circulation can be taken off-campus
  • Reserve books are arranged alphabetically by course name and number.

Reference Materials

  • Reference materials are for in-library use only
  • No circulation allowed unless with prior arrangement with the library director

Journals/Newspapers (print)

  • Print journals and newspapers are for in-library use only
  • No circulation allowed unless with prior arrangement with the library director



  • Circulation Period: 7 days, 1 renewal

Fines may be assessed by the library to encourage the return of lost items and/or help the library
recoup costs on non-returned items. Overdue fines will not be issued as an income source but
only to recover the costs and expense of dealing with lost items.

Currently, the standard checkout period for a general collection and professional collection
books is 28 days, 1 week for media (DVDs) and various circulation periods for reserve items.
Library users will receive an email three (3) days before an item is due and another email once
the item is overdue. A written overdue notice will be mailed to the library user’s home. After the
item is overdue double the circulation period, the item will be considered “lost” and library fees
may then take effect.

Once the item is in “lost” status, The Director of Library Services will carbon copy the Bursar’s
office on the email informing the student that the cost of the book and the associated fees would
be added to their CAMS ledger.

$25 Late Item Fee
$25 Lost Item Processing Fee 
Item Replacement Charge - the amount would be variable based on the cost to repurchase item 

All three fee lines would be assessed at the “lost” status mark.

decorative image Interlibrary Loan (ILL)


If the library does not have the book, article or another item you need, you can request the item from another library.


There are two ways to request an item:

1. Through the Discovery Service

When searching in the Discovery Tool on the library's website, click on the "Request this item through interlibrary loan" link 

Then complete the ILL form fields.


2.  Use the Interlibrary Loan Request Form 

The form is located on the library's homepage or directly here

Complete all the fields so that the library staff can request the exact item you need.


Interlibrary loan requests take extra time. Articles usually arrive within 48 hours and books usually arrive in 3 business days, but requests may take longer depending on the item.

Articles are sent via email or may be printed for pick up in the library. Books from Interlibrary Loan follow the circulation policies of the lending library. Contact the Methodist College Library to request a renewal, if needed.


Interlibrary loan is a service provided by the Methodist College Library for Methodist College students, faculty and staff.