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How to Read Scholarly Articles: What is Scholarly?

Popular vs. Scholarly

The assignment you have for class states that you need to use SCHOLARLY sources, mainly articles from journals.

What does Scholarly mean, though?

Before you get into the content of the article you found, let's judge it by the way it looks by comparing Popular and Scholarly articles.

Characteristics of a Scholarly Article



  • Shorter
  • Are written for a general audience, even when included in a discipline specific magazine (ex. Psychology Today)
  • Written by the employees of the periodical who may or may not have experience or credentials on the topic
  • Language is not technical and does not have a lot of jargon; easier to read and understand
  • Little to no actual citations, and no bibliography/works cited list
  • Contain advertisements and/or pictures
  • Come out more frequently: daily, weekly, or monthly 

Good and Bad

It is important to remember the context in which you are doing your own research. The Popular Vs Scholarly comparison is not a Bad Vs Good comparison. Popular sources are not inherently "bad", and scholarly sources are not inherently "good".

When doing research, there are many occasions where it would be appropriate to use a "popular" or non-scholarly source. Scholarly articles present research about specific topics but you might need more background information or need to see what people's opinion are on the topic you are researching for class. Turning to Time Magazine, The Atlantic, or would all be good options in those cases. 

But when your assignment calls for scholarly sources, then you need to know what those look like in order to complete the assignment successfully. 

This applies even when a grade is not on the line.

You look up information all the time on your phones and computers at home using Google. Knowing that information comes in different types can help you find credible information that answer your questions.


  • Longer articles, at least 7 pages, multiple columns on each page
  • Are written by experts in their field, for other experts
  • Authors have credentials to be considered experts, such as a PhD, MD, MA/MS. 
  • Language can be very technical, and varies based on discipline. This can make these articles difficult to understand for students and others new to the field
  • In the Sciences, scholarly articles include visual representations of data, in charts, graphs and tables
  • Full of citations and include a long list of references/bibliography
    • A panel of experts reads each article submitted to a scholarly journal and provides feedback to the author(s) anonymously. The panel can accept submissions, ask for revisions, or outright reject them. The articles included in an issue of the journal went through the whole process, including revisions and final acceptance.
    • For more information about Peer Review, watch the video from NCSU Libraries embedded below. 
  • Come out less frequently: quarterly (4xs a year), twice or once a year